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Akhtynskiy istoriko-krayevedcheskiy muzey


Akhtynsky Museum of Local History was founded in 1937. Today, the museum's collection contains more than 7,000 exhibits. Visitors will see a large paleontological collection, rock samples, a diorama of nature in the Akhtyn region of Dagestan. The permanent exhibition of the museum contains artifacts of the Stone Age and objects of other eras that have survived to this day: an archaeological collection, a collection of weapons, numismatics, ancient household items of a mountain house, examples of decorative and applied art. The rich ethnographic collection of the museum includes costume complexes of the peoples of Dagestan, objects of cults and rituals, jewelry, handmade carpets. The museum's permanent exhibition includes recreated interiors of a coppersmith's workshop, a highlander's sakli, a home bakery, and a model of the Akhtyn fortress built in 1839.